PythonAnalysis adaptor

The python analysis adaptor enables the use of a Python scripts as an analysis back end. It accomplishes this by embedding a Python interpreter and includes a minimal set of the sensei python bindings. To author a new python analysis one must provide a python script that implements three functions: Inititalize, Execute and Finalize. These functions implement the sensei::AnalysisAdaptor API. The Execute function is required while Initialize and Finalize functions are optional. The Execute function is passed a sensei::DataAdaptor instance from which one has access to simulation data structures. If an error occurs during processing one should raise an exception. If the analysis required MPI communication, one must make use of the adaptor’s MPI communicator which is stored in the global variable comm. Additionally one can provide a secondary script that is executed prior to the API functions. This script can set global variables that control runtime behavior.

End users will make use of the sensei::ConfigurableAnalysis and point to the python analysis script. The script can be loaded in one of two ways: via python’s import machinery or via a customized mechanism that reads the file on MPI rank 0 and broadcasts it to the other ranks. The latter is the recommended approach.

ConfigurableAnalysis XML

The <analysis> element is used to create and configure the PythonAnalysis instance.

name type allowable value(s) description
type attribute “python” Creates a PythonAnalysis instance
script_module attribute a module name Names a module that is in the PYTHONPATH. The module should define the 3 analysis adaptor API functions: Initialize, Execute, and Finalize. It is imported during initialization using python’s import machinery. *
script_file attribute a file path A path to a python script to be loaded and broadcast by rank 0. The script should define the 3 analysis adaptor API functions: Initialize, Execute, and Finalize. *
enabled attribute 0,1 When 0 the analysis is skipped
initialize_source child element python source code A snippet of source code that can be used to control run time behavior. The source code must be properly formatted and indented. The contents of the element are taken verbatim including newline tabs and spaces.

* – use one of script_file or script_module. Prefer script_file.

See the example below.

Code Template

The following template provides stubs that one can fill in to write a new python analysis.


def Initialize():
""" Initialization code """

def Execute(dataAdaptor):
""" Use sensei::DataAdaptor instance passed in
dataAdaptor to access and process simulation data """

def Finalize():
""" Finalization code """


The following example computes a histogram in parallel. It is included in the source code at sensei/

import sys
import numpy as np
import vtk.util.numpy_support as vtknp
from vtk import vtkDataObject, vtkCompositeDataSet, vtkMultiBlockDataSet

# default values of control parameters
numBins = 10
meshName = ''
arrayName = ''
arrayCen = vtkDataObject.POINT
outFile = 'hist'

def Initialize():
# check for valid control parameters
if not meshName:
raise RuntimeError('meshName was not set')
if not arrayName:
raise RuntimeError('arrayName was not set')

def Execute(adaptor):
r = comm.Get_rank()

# get the mesh and array we need
mesh = adaptor.GetMesh(meshName, True)
adaptor.AddArray(mesh, meshName, arrayCen, arrayName)

# force composite data to simplify computations
if not isinstance(mesh, vtkCompositeDataSet):
s = comm.Get_size()
mb = vtkMultiBlockDataSet()
mb.SetBlock(r, mesh)
mesh = mb

# compute the min and max over local blocks
mn = sys.float_info.max
mx = -mn
it = mesh.NewIterator()
while not it.IsDoneWithTraversal():
do = it.GetCurrentDataObject()

atts = do.GetPointData() if arrayCen == vtkDataObject.POINT \
else do.GetCellData()

da = vtknp.vtk_to_numpy(atts.GetArray(arrayName))

mn = min(mn, np.min(da))
mx = max(mx, np.max(da))


# compute global min and max
mn = comm.allreduce(mn, op=MPI.MIN)
mx = comm.allreduce(mx, op=MPI.MAX)

# compute the histogram over local blocks
while not it.IsDoneWithTraversal():
do = it.GetCurrentDataObject()

atts = do.GetPointData() if arrayCen == vtkDataObject.POINT \
else do.GetCellData()

da = vtknp.vtk_to_numpy(atts.GetArray(arrayName))

h,be = np.histogram(da, bins=numBins, range=(mn,mx))

hist = hist + h if 'hist' in globals() else h


# compute the global histogram on rank 0
h = comm.reduce(hist, root=0, op=MPI.SUM)

# rank 0 write to disk
if r == 0:
ts = adaptor.GetDataTimeStep()
fn = '%s_%s_%d.txt'%(outFile, arrayName, ts)
f = file(fn, 'w')
f.write('num bins : %d\n'%(numBins))
f.write('range : %0.6g %0.6g\n'%(mn, mx))
f.write('bin edges: ')
for v in be:
f.write('%0.6g '%(v))
f.write('counts : ')
for v in h:
f.write('%d '%(v))

def Finalize():


  <analysis type="python" script_file="./" enabled="1">